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Table 5

Evidence for neck pain

ComparatorQualityPopulation sizeComplementary medicineSafetyCost-effectiveness
Active interventionGoodMediumManual therapy*Some evidence of potential harmSome evidence of CE
ModerateLargeManipulation§¶Some evidence of potential harmSome evidence of CE
ModerateSmallManual therapy**Some evidence of potential harmSome evidence of CE
PlaceboModerateMediumAcupuncture Some evidence of safety No data
Usual careModerateMediumAcupuncture Some evidence of safety No data

*Manual therapy plus exercise compared with exercise alone.

†Reduced cost of therapy.

‡Minor adverse events and rare but devastating adverse effects from manipulation.

§Compared to medication.

¶Also showed effectiveness for pain compared with any control.

**Mobilisation, manipulation and soft tissue techniques.

CE, cost effectiveness.

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