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Table 1.

Visual acuity pre- and post-treatment.

Outcome MeasurePre-treatment Mean +(S.D.)Post-treatment Mean +(S.D.)p-value
1. Right eyeSnellen fraction61 (63)52 (56)0.059 (t-test)
Snellen line5.6 (3.1)6.2 (3.3)0.006 (t-test)
ETDRS70 (20)74 (20)0.005 (t-test)
0.013 (Wilcoxon)
2. Left eyeSnellen fraction52 (55)54 (54)0.075 (t-test)
Snellen line6.1 (3.2)5.8 (3.2)0.110 (t-test)
ETDRS74 (20)72 (19)0.085 (t-test)
0.075 (Wilcoxon)
3. Pooled resultsETDRS62(16)64(18)0.024 (Wilcoxon)
Legend: Segregated outcomes for the (1.) right and (2.) left eyes were Snellen fraction, Snellen line and Early Treatment Diabetes Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) score. P values were generated using paired, two-tailed t-tests and the Wilcoxon signed rank test. For the (3.) pooled results of right and left eyes with pre-treatment EDTRS score of 80 or less, data were analyzed only with the Wilcoxon signed rank test.