Table 1

Deaths and YLLs From the 30 Leading Diseases and Injuries Contributing to YLLs in the United States in 1990 and 2010 and Percentage Change From 1990 to 2010 in YLLs and Age-Standardized YLL Ratesa

Diseases and InjuriesYLL RankDeathsYLLs
19902010No. (in Thousands)Median Change, %No. (in Thousands)Median Change, %
19902010DeathsAge-Standardized Death Rate19902010YLLsAge-Standardized YLL Rate
Ischemic heart disease1 (1-1)1 (1-1)648.2 (600.8-676.1)562.9 (515.4-662.1)−14.4 (−20.6 to 2.6)−43.6 (−47.1 to −33.2)8990.3 (8386.2-9451.4)7164.5 (6706.6-8198.2)−21.2 (−25.6 to −9.1)−45.2 (−48.2 to −38.1)
Lung cancer2 (2-3)2 (2-2)143.5 (116.8-178.5)163.3 (128.1-200.8)14.4 (−1.1 to 26.0)−22.5 (−31.8 to −14.7)2871.9 (2325.8-3523.2)2987.7 (2418.1-3731.2)3.6 (−6.6 to 17.4)−30 (−36.1 to −18.9)
Stroke4 (3-4)3 (3-5)177.8 (163.7-200.9)172.3 (153.5-201.7)−3 (−13.6 to 8.2)−36.7 (−43.0 to −30.4)2250.4 (2096.3-2543.6)1945.3 (1741.8-2147.8)−13.2 (−21.5 to −6.2)−39.3 (−45.6 to −34.8)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease5 (5-8)4 (3-5)97.5 (90.3-105.5)154.5 (137.8-170.0)58.3 (43.3 to 75.7)5.6 (−3.0 to 16.3)1416.1 (1308.5-1534.0)1913.1 (1720.9-2067.9)34.7 (24.7 to 47.1)−5.8 (−12.5 to 2.7)
Road injury3 (2-4)5 (3-6)49.6 (43.4-59.2)44.0 (36.2-53.5)−11.7 (−21.8 to 3.4)−30.2 (−37.5 to −17.7)2336.5 (2022.5-2752.3)1873.2 (1569.0-2280.1)−20.4 (−28.4 to −4.3)−33.3 (−39.7 to −19.4)
Self-harm6 (5-10)6 (5-10)33.7 (25.6-43.7)37.3 (27.6-47.1)10.8 (−6.2 to 26.7)−12.9 (−27.2 to −1.6)1393.8 (1068.6-1808.7)1456.9 (1066.1-1779.0)5.7 (−13.2 to 18.1)−13.2 (−28.3 to − −2.4)
Diabetes15 (11-15)7 (6-9)50.2 (45.3-60.0)86.1 (73.0-99.3)71.8 (43.7 to 97.1)17.3 (−1.3 to 32.4)875.0 (788.0-1042.3)1392.4 (1186.7-1568.1)60.1 (34.5 to 78.3)13.0 (−5.4 to 25.7)
Cirrhosis14 (10-15)8 (7-12)35.5 (31.3-42.1)49.5 (39.5-54.6)43.3 (14.0 to 56.0)−2 (−22.5 to 6.4)917.3 (808.7-1095.1)1232.7 (966.2-1364.7)37.9 (9.8 to 50.8)−5.3 (−23.8 to 3.3)
Alzheimer disease32 (23-38)9 (6-20)27.0 (19.8-45.7)158.3 (75.8-237.4)524.3 (136.8 to 877.4)289.6 (56.5 to 487.6)257.4 (202.1-407.1)1192.4 (637.0-1648.1)391.6 (128.5 to 593.1)209.5 (60.4 to 315.7)
Colorectal cancer11 (9-14)10 (7-13)60.2 (49.6-67.1)63.9 (55.4-88.1)1.6 (−9.4 to 49.7)−29.4 (−36.1 to 2.4)1018.9 (855.4-1127.3)1073.6 (946.9-1412.7)1.6 (−7.6 to 41.8)−27.5 (−33.9 to −0.8)
Lower respiratory tract infections10 (7-11)11 (8-13)90.4 (71.9-103.3)85.4 (69.4-114.0)−8.1 (−27.8 to 34.7)−38.6 (−49.7 to −14.1)1185.7 (996.4-1303.8)1031.8 (905.9-1261.3)−14.3 (−26.1 to 8.4)−37.6 (−44.9 to −26.1)
Interpersonal violence8 (5-13)12 (7-16)25.2 (17.7-30.9)19.9 (15.9-28.3)−24.4 (−33.8 to 8.2)−34.4 (−42.7 to −7.9)1344.3 (948.9-1660.1)1019.1 (795.8-1427.6)−26.5 (−36.0 to 2.9)−33.9 (−42.8 to −8.9)
Breast cancer12 (11-14)13 (12-16)43.2 (40.4-47.0)42.6 (37.4-47.5)−1.2 (−12.6 to 10.0)−33.4 (−40.0 to −26.6)953.7 (890.0-1020.1)891.7 (804.6-980.7)−6.5 (−14.3 to 2.4)−35.9 (−41.0 to −29.8)
Preterm birth complications9 (6-12)14 (11-18)14.1 (11.3-16.8)10.0 (8.0-12.3)−29.6 (−45.9 to −5.1)−35.7 (−50.5 to −13.3)1213.2 (970.1-1440.7)858.4 (687.4-1061.3)−29.6 (−45.9 to −5.1)−35.7 (−50.5 to −13.3)
Drug use disorders44 (24-49)15 (8-28)3.8 (2.6-8.5)19.4 (9.3-28.6)477.4 (105.1 to 699.8)376.6 (69.3 to 559.6)174.1 (118.4-399.1)840.6 (387.6-1239.2)448.4 (88.0 to 673.8)376.6 (65.3 to 565.7)
Chronic kidney disease21 (19-25)16 (13-20)30.4 (26.0-37.5)60.3 (47.4-74.0)99 (58.8 to 141.4)33.9 (7.8 to 59.2)425.2 (374.2-521.6)780.2 (636.7-908.4)85.8 (47.4 to 112.2)32.4 (4.2 to 49.9)
Other cardiovascular/circulatory16 (16-18)17 (15-19)40.9 (38.6-43.3)56.6 (50.5-63.7)38.2 (21.8 to 57.2)−8.7 (−17.8 to 1.0)636.1 (611.3-662.0)765.4 (709.1-824.0)20.3 (10.2 to 30.2)−14.4 (−21.1 to −7.6)
Pancreatic cancer19 (16-23)18 (13-23)28.6 (21.7-39.1)39.0 (28.7-52.8)37 (15.5 to 58.7)−4.9 (−19.0 to 8.4)508.6 (391.5-669.5)679.9 (500.1-908.3)34.3 (15.2 to 51.4)−6.3 (−19.8 to 5.6)
Congenital anomalies13 (11-15)19 (15-22)13.4 (11.2-15.8)12.4 (10.8-15.1)−8.3 (−18.1 to 8.2)−32.3 (−39.0 to −14.7)937.1 (762.0-1086.5)660.8 (579.6-842.1)−31.3 (−39.0 to −6.8)−41.1 (−48.1 to −18.3)
Cardiomyopathy18 (16-19)20 (13-22)30.7 (26.2-32.7)36 (30.9-46.7)15.4 (−1.0 to 71.3)−22.9 (−32.6 to 18.0)622.7 (533.7-659.8)659.4 (571.7-908.0)3.3 (−9.8 to 63.1)−24.2 (−34.1 to 18.2)
Hypertensive heart disease17 (16-19)21 (16-23)41.4 (33.2-51.4)44.7 (34.8-59.6)7.4 (−10.5 to 30.6)−29.1 (−39.2 to −15.7)625.8 (522.0-768.2)641.9 (531.5-800.8)2.2 (−10.3 to 18.1)−28.1 (−37.2 to −18.7)
Leukemia20 (19-24)22 (21-29)20.3 (16.4-25.3)25.5 (20.0-31.6)25.9 (3.3 to 45.1)−13 (−25.2 to −2.7)458.3 (373.9-562.8)493.6 (402.2-611.1)7.8 (−3.7 to 19.3)−20.5 (−28.9 to −11.1)
Human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS7 (5-9)23 (22-27)28.6 (25.6-31.9)12.1 (10.6-13.7)−57.7 (−63.5 to −50.5)−67.7 (−72.1 to −62.3)1351.1 (1201.1-1508.5)479.2 (417.4-542.2)−64.5 (−69.6 to −58.1)−71.6 (−75.8 to −66.5)
Kidney cancers35 (28-45)24 (16-31)10.7 (7.5-14.2)24.4 (17.1-39.8)114.9 (60.0 to 262.5)47 (9.7 to 146.3)216.9 (152.7-282.0)475.7 (334.5-796.4)104.7 (53.1 to 247.1)40.9 (5.7 to 144.0)
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma22 (20-26)25 (22-30)20 (16.8-23.5)25.2 (20.3-30.2)25.4 (2.4 to 52.4)−14.6 (−28.0 to 3.5)407.8 (339.9-465.4)451.6 (375.7-541.7)8.6 (−5.7 to 38.5)−23.6 (−33.4 to −0.2)
Poisonings31 (22-38)26 (18-45)5.9 (4.5-9.6)11.4 (4.2-16.2)117.1 (−34.4 to 229.4)76.1 (−46.7 to 173.3)263.6 (201.7-433.8)485.7 (172.9-693.0)108.1 (−39.3 to 220.0)74.3 (−48.1 to 173.5)
Prostate cancer23 (18-35)27 (16-35)30.8 (16.6-44.3)35.9 (20.8-65.4)9.7 (−30.0 to 89.7)−25.2 (−49.5 to 26.6)417.9 (223.7-599.7)445.6 (250.9-787.1)−1.6 (−30.1 to 62.4)−29.6 (−48.8 to 15.5)
Brain cancer24 (19-31)28 (21-34)14 (9.8-21.1)16.5 (10.9-24.4)18 (−8.1 to 45.3)−18 (−33.4 to −3.4)383.3 (262.8-551.6)411.2 (279.8-611.0)7.1 (−9.9 to 26.9)−22 (−33.8 to −7.5)
Falls33 (26-36)29 (24-35)14.5 (12.1-19.7)31.6 (18.7-41.7)136.4 (11.3 to 220.9)52 (−25.4 to 96.0)245.4 (215.5-321.9)400.2 (265.4-489.2)79.3 (−3.6 to 117.3)20.9 (−30.3 to 42.9)
Liver cancer39 (33-43)30 (25-35)9.3 (8.3-11.9)19.5 (13.3-22.7)118.4 (36.1 to 151.3)55.3 (−4.9 to 76.4)184.7 (167.7-235.4)398.9 (260.6-461.5)125.5 (34.9 to 156.5)58.5 (−6.4 to 80.5)

aDiseases and injuries contributing to years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLLs) are ranked by the magnitude of YLLs in 2010. 95% uncertainty intervals are shown in parentheses for all data.