Table 3

Age-Standardized Rates of Death, Years of Life Lost Due to Premature Mortality (YLL), and Years Lived With Disability (YLD) for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Countries in 1990 and 2010, Both Sexes Combined, With 95% Uncertainty Intervals

CountryAge-Standardized Death Rate (per 100 000)Age-Standardized YLL Rate (per 100 000)Age-Standardized YLD Rate (per 100 000)
United States639 (637-642)18 (16-19)516 (513-519)27 (27-27)15 130 (14 957-15 283)23 (23-23)11 447 (11 312-11 630)28 (28-28)10 503 (8753-12 449)5 (3-13)10 509 (8803-12 375)6 (5-15)
Australia568 (564-571)9 (9-9)389 (386-393)4 (4-5)12 381 (12 213-12 520)10 (9-10)7722 (7610-7897)8 (6-8)11 153 (9223-13 293)18 (9-29)10 979 (9088-13 165)14 (8-26)
Austria622 (616-626)15 (15-15)418 (414-424)11 (11-12)13 732 (13 482-13 905)16 (16-16)8401 (8290-8596)11 (11-12)11 052 (8996-13 572)14 (3-33)11 381 (9227-13 801)26 (6-34)
Belgium615 (610-619)14 (14-14)460 (453-469)21 (20-22)13 458 (13 269-13 603)15 (14-15)9381 (9216-9625)22 (22-24)11 119 (9183-13 337)16 (7-29)10 933 (9042-13 071)13 (6-28)
Canada558 (554-561)7 (6-7)422 (418-427)12 (11-13)12 079 (11 923-12 203)7 (6-8)8546 (8429-8714)14 (12-16)10 806 (8988-12 878)8 (4-22)10 845 (9035-12 854)11 (5-25)
Chile760 (752-767)27 (26-27)490 (482-500)25 (25-25)18 210 (17 880-18 511)26 (26-26)11 136 (10 920-11 448)27 (26-27)11 185 (9275-13 408)20 (6-31)10 407 (8562-12 391)5 (3-23)
Czech Republic876 (868-880)30 (30-30)548 (545-554)28 (28-28)19 311 (18 959-19 521)28 (28-28)10 997 (10 894-11 188)26 (26-27)11 015 (9009-13 254)10 (5-30)10 759 (8799-12 879)7 (5-27)
Denmark656 (650-660)22 (21-22)504 (499-510)26 (26-26)14 383 (14 129-14 547)20 (18-21)9592 (9480-9775)25 (24-25)11 209 (9240-13 542)21 (7-31)11 456 (9449-13 662)28 (14-33)
Estonia910 (897-918)32 (32-33)603 (595-617)30 (30-32)23 443 (22 786-23 925)32 (31-33)13 954 (13 651-14 490)31 (30-31)11 129 (9204-13 286)17 (5-31)11 165 (9237-13 205)22 (7-32)
Finland655 (648-660)21 (21-22)437 (433-443)17 (16-17)14 467 (14 220-14 614)21 (20-22)9050 (8941-9221)21 (20-21)11 092 (9158-13 200)15 (8-28)11 248 (9355-13 368)25 (11-31)
France549 (545-553)5 (4-5)408 (403-416)9 (8-9)12 717 (12 535-12 858)12 (11-13)8666 (8516-8912)16 (14-17)11 358 (9418-13 475)27 (12-31)11 194 (9279-13 307)23 (10-30)
Germany644 (641-646)20 (19-20)433 (429-440)16 (15-16)14 032 (13 863-14 171)17 (17-18)8512 (8383-8739)13 (12-14)11 165 (9271-13 253)19 (10-28)11 015 (9177-13 070)15 (9-26)
Greece573 (569-577)11 (10-11)465 (458-472)23 (21-24)12 011 (11 801-12 187)6 (6-7)8806 (8654-9000)18 (16-19)11 040 (8964-13 224)13 (5-31)10 809 (8962-12 947)9 (5-28)
Hungary970 (963-974)34 (33-34)694 (691-700)34 (34-34)23 806 (23 476-24 044)33 (32-33)15 271 (15 147-15 468)32 (32-32)11 665 (9624-13 981)31 (15-33)11 589 (9569-13 866)32 (17-33)
Iceland548 (533-558)4 (3-6)365 (356-376)2 (2-3)11 310 (10 897-11 575)3 (2-3)6675 (6482-7016)1 (1-2)10 763 (8808-12 855)7 (3-26)11 108 (9158-13 286)21 (6-32)
Ireland692 (683-698)24 (24-24)453 (447-459)19 (19-20)14 298 (14 048-14 491)19 (18-20)8764 (8662-8936)17 (16-18)11 024 (8858-13 314)11 (3-33)11 138 (9042-13 602)19 (5-34)
Israel584 (577-588)13 (12-13)406 (401-409)8 (7-9)12 760 (12 511-12 962)13 (11-13)7682 (7578-7815)6 (6-8)10 877 (8950-12 984)9 (5-25)10 792 (8891-12 912)8 (5-25)
Italy561 (558-563)8 (8-8)389 (386-396)5 (4-5)12 202 (12 053-12 330)8 (8-9)7485 (7359-7703)5 (5-5)11 038 (9150-13 174)12 (7-27)10 907 (9081-12 895)12 (7-25)
Japan469 (466-471)1 (1-1)352 (350-356)1 (1-1)9658 (9552-9750)1 (1-1)6827 (6761-6939)2 (1-2)9406 (7794-11 361)1 (1-2)9094 (7465-10 904)1 (1-3)
Luxembourg641 (629-649)19 (16-20)432 (423-445)15 (14-17)14 255 (13 882-14 510)18 (17-20)8484 (8282-8845)12 (11-15)11 370 (9100-13 868)23 (5-34)11 683 (9503-14 350)30 (8-34)
Mexico740 (732-749)25 (25-25)604 (599-609)31 (30-32)22 775 (22 171-23 502)31 (31-32)15 658 (15 365-15 976)33 (33-34)10 092 (8414-12 094)2 (2-8)9364 (7762-11 245)2 (1-3)
Netherlands572 (567-575)10 (10-11)426 (422-430)14 (13-15)11 847 (11 666-11 974)5 (4-5)7988 (7898-8127)10 (9-10)11 355 (9498-13 387)28 (13-31)11 492 (9624-13 445)31 (17-33)
New Zealand637 (629-641)16 (16-18)413 (408-420)10 (10-10)14 523 (14 230-14 722)22 (20-22)8611 (8443-8863)15 (13-17)11 247 (9340-13 337)22 (9-30)11 067 (9143-13 117)17 (8-28)
Norway580 (572-584)12 (12-13)422 (418-429)13 (12-14)12 291 (12 041-12 495)9 (8-10)7904 (7793-8095)9 (9-10)12 365 (10 177-14 638)33 (30-34)12 329 (10 248-14 634)34 (30-34)
Poland872 (867-876)29 (29-29)589 (586-592)29 (29-30)21 136 (20 820-21 366)30 (30-30)13 059 (12 965-13 213)29 (29-29)11 652 (9519-14 326)30 (9-34)11 401 (9348-14 029)27 (6-34)
Portugal679 (672-683)23 (23-23)468 (464-474)24 (23-24)16 152 (15 800-16 415)24 (24-24)9407 (9310-9602)23 (22-24)11 409 (9250-13 971)24 (5-34)11 123 (9002-13 600)18 (5-34)
Slovakia893 (885-898)31 (31-31)652 (647-658)33 (32-33)20 667 (20 373-20 880)29 (29-29)13 779 (13 640-13 936)30 (30-31)11 905 (9872-14 185)32 (16-34)11 042 (9109-13 100)16 (6-31)
Slovenia760 (749-767)26 (26-27)465 (459-474)22 (21-24)17 330 (16 946-17 558)25 (25-25)9491 (9325-9793)24 (23-25)11 410 (9512-13 844)26 (8-32)11 095 (9093-13 276)20 (6-32)
South Korea813 (802-822)28 (28-28)447 (441-452)18 (18-18)18 830 (18 158-19 318)27 (27-27)8941 (8801-9093)19 (18-21)10 074 (8289-12 073)4 (1-12)9575 (7888-11 559)3 (1-5)
Spain557 (553-560)6 (5-7)393 (389-399)6 (6-6)12 630 (12 423-12 786)11 (11-12)7694 (7565-7909)7 (6-8)10 136 (8452-12 010)3 (2-7)10 068 (8399-11 965)4 (3-7)
Sweden539 (535-543)3 (3-4)403 (400-408)7 (7-8)11 196 (11 006-11 329)2 (2-3)7296 (7208-7453)4 (4-4)11 378 (9453-13 414)25 (10-32)11 250 (9236-13 372)24 (9-32)
Switzerland532 (526-536)2 (2-2)369 (366-374)3 (2-3)11 825 (11 568-11 981)4 (4-5)7071 (6972-7253)3 (3-3)10 663 (8689-12 738)6 (3-25)10 807 (8883-12 902)10 (5-30)
Turkey942 (895-980)33 (32-34)628 (584-660)32 (29-33)30 025 (28 350-31 541)34 (34-34)16 760 (15 331-18 071)34 (33-34)12 442 (10 380-14 783)34 (30-34)11 885 (9895-14 020)33 (24-34)
United Kingdom638 (634-642)17 (16-19)455 (452-458)20 (19-21)13 452 (13 296-13 581)14 (14-15)8949 (8871-9052)20 (19-20)11 453 (9466-13 603)29 (16-31)11 435 (9482-13 569)29 (18-32)