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Table 2

Effect of Clinical and Demographic Factors on Allowed Amount Per Patient Per Episode

Allowed Amount
95% CIp-valueMean Amounts
95% CI (Mean Amounts)
Intercept237231.8–242.3p < .001
CohortCoE/Network0.770.75–0.79p < .001$252/$326($246 - $258)/($323 - $330)
Health PlanCommercial/Gov’t1.491.47–1.52p < .001$350/ $235($345 - $355)/ ($230 - $239)
RegionUrban/Rural1.231.21–1.25p < .001$318/$259($313–$322)/($254 - $264)
SexFemale/Male1.041.02–1.05p < .001$292/$282($287–$296)/($277–$286)
Note. Dependent Variable = Allowed Amount (positive expenditures modeled; N = 24,330). Exposure variables in this model include: Cohort, Health Plan, Region, and Sex (entered as factors in the GLM). maximum likelihood estimate

Exposure of interest/reference group (variable). Reference (or comparison) group is specified after the forward slash “/”

Mean (allowed) amounts presented for Group/Referent and 95% CIs (for mean allowed amounts) come from the GLM

model’s estimated mean