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Fig 1

Fig. 1

A, Autologous bone graft obtained from anterior iliac crest.

B, The Medtronic cage has a cylindrical hollow center and a flat superior surface.
Inset: Lateral view of a Medtronic cage.

C, Solis cage has 1 mm titanium spikes bilaterally on both inferior and superior surface.
Inset: Lateral view of a Solis cage.

D, Bioabsorbable, self-retaining cervical fusion cage, composite of an interbody fusion cage and two anchoring clips.
Inset: Lateral and dorsal views and of assembled bioabsorbable, self-retaining cervical fusion cage.
(Image provided by International Journal of Nanomedicine.

From Cao L, Duan PG, Li XL, et al.
Biomechanical stability of a bioabsorbable self-retaining polylactic acid/nano-sized B-tricalcium phosphate cervical spine interbody fusion device in single-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion sheep models.
Int J Nanomed. 2012;7:5875-5880.)