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Table 2

Seven low back pain (LBP) groups classified into three main clusters based on frequency and duration of episodes in a study sample from the general Danish population of 50-yr olds (N=261) followed fortnightly over 1 year

Main subgroupsPercentages of participants fitting into the main subgroups (95% confidence interval)Subsets making up the main subgroupsPercentages of participants fitting into the subsets (95% confidence interval)
More or less constant LBP
35% (29–41)
• LBP every day
3% (2.8-3.2)
• No LBP free fortnights at all (but not pain every day)
9% (6–12)
• At least one long-lasting period of LBP (i.e. at least 6 pain fortnights in a row) but none of the above.
23% (18–28)
Episodic LBP
30% (24–36)
• At least one longer episode of LBP (i.e. at least 2 pain fortnights in a row).
23% (18–28)
• Several brief episodes of LBP (maximum of 1 pain fortnight and none longer than 1 fortnight.
6% (3–9)
More or less never LBP35% (29–41)• Only 1 brief episode of LBP (i.e. maximum of 1 pain fortnight) and no other short or longer episodes.
16% (12–20)
• No LBP days at all.19% (14–24)
Data obtained from a Danish general population of 50-yr olds (N = 261) followed fortnightly with text messages over one year. Percentages have been rounded off.