Table 2

Baseline Comparison of Intervention Groups

SMTPlaceboEnhanced PlaceboNo Treatment ControlTotal Samplep- value for difference
Sex (% female)21/28 (75.0)17/27 (63.0)20/27 (74.1)19/28 (68.0)77/110 (70.0)0.74
Age32.07 (10.98)33.22 (13.29)31.56 (11.85)29.85 (12.09)31.68 (11.85)0.78
Education (years)16.04 (2.33)15.59 (2.50)15.89 (2.38)16.57 (2.60)16.03 (2.45)0.51
Duration of LBP (weeks) (median, interquartile range)12 (164.50)24 (100)36 (543)4 (108)16.03 (153)0.43
ODI17.04 (9.17)14.22 (8.56)17.92 (13.31)20.04 (15.27)17.32 (11.95)0.35
Usual Pain45.26 (26.21)43.78 (22.45)37.89 (22.13)33.93 (26.21)40.16 (23.33)0.24
FABQ-PA12.78 (4.89)11.74 (3.05)12.41 (5.21)13.50 (5.68)12.61 (4.80)0.59
FABQ-W10.92 (8.05)10.42 (7.44)9.23 (9.39)12.32 (8.07)10.75 (8.22)0.59
TSK23.27 (6.25)22.46 (4.88)20.54 (5.04)22.42 (6.02)22.17 (5.59)0.35
PCS16.08 (8.51)13.88 (9.66)14.88 (11.04)12.75 (11.67)14.37 (10.25)0.68
All data are reported as mean (standard deviation) ratings unless otherwise noted. Duration of low back pain (LBP) in weeks presented as median, interquartile range due to non- normal distribution. ODI= Oswestry Disability Index (0 – 100% with smaller numbers indicating less disability). Suprathreshold heat response expressed as the rating of the 5th pulse in the suprathreshold heat response protocol using a numeric rating scale with 0= no pain to 100= worst pain imaginable.