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Pain. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 Aug 31.
Published in final edited form as:
Pain. 2008 Aug 31; 138(2): 267–276.
Published online 2008 Jan 28. doi:  10.1016/j.pain.2007.12.010

Table 3

Worry about pain and physical disability for back pain (n = 971), headache (n = 1078), or orofacial pain (n = 455) patients at 6-month follow-up (mean and standard deviation) by baseline Pain Days (Table 3a) and Risk Score (Table 3b)*

Table 3a Chronic pain classification based on Pain Days in the six months before baseline

Pain and disability status at 6 monthsNot chronic:
1–89 Pain Days
Chronic: 90–149
Pain Days
Chronic: ≥150
Pain Days
Correlation with
Pain Days
Worry about pain (0–10 rating)
  Back pain3.8 (3.1)5.0 (3.0)5.7 (3.2)0.29
  Headache4.1 (3.1)4.9 (3.0)5.8 (3.4)0.22
  Orofacial pain3.3 (2.7)3.6 (2.8)4.9 (3.2)0.25
SF-36Physical Function at 6 months, mean (SD)
  Back pain80.3 (20.6)68.2 (23.7)56.9 (26.9)−0.42
  Headache82.6 (21.8)77.1 (23.6)70.4 (26.0)−0.21
  Orofacial pain83.5 (23.4)81.6 (22.9)76.0 (26.5)−0.15
Table 3b Chronic pain classification based on prospective Risk Score at baseline

Pain and disability status at 6 monthsLower risk
Possible chronic pain
Probable chronic pain
Correlation with Risk Score
Worry about pain (0–10 rating)
  Back pain3.6 (2.9)5.5 (3.2)7.1 (2.8)0.46
  Headache3.6 (2.9)5.4 (3.1)6.6 (3.1)0.40
  Orofacial pain3.7 (2.9)4.4 (3.0)6.0 (3.5)0.33
SF-36 Physical Function at 6 months, mean (SD)
  Back pain80.2 (18.7)62.3 (25.9)44.0 (25.6)−0.53
  Headache85.3 (19.4)73.3 (25.5)64.1 (27.1)−0.33
  Orofacial pain84.6 (21.2)70.8 (29.1)61.2 (27.2)−0.36
*All correlations in Tables 3a and 3b are significant at p <.0001.
Short Form-36. Correlations are negative because a lower SF-36 score indicates greater disability.
Standard deviation.
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