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Published online 2015 Dec 16. doi:  10.1186/s40064-015-1567-5

Table 2

Primary and secondary end-points

Primary end-points
 1. Number of headache days in active treatment vs. placebo group
 2. Number of headache days in active treatment vs. control group

Secondary end-points
 3. Headache duration in hours in active treatment vs. placebo group
 4. Headache duration in hours in active treatment vs. control group
 5. Self-reported VAS in active treatment vs. placebo group
 6. Self-reported VAS in active treatment vs. control group
 7. Headache index (frequency × duration × intensity) in active treatment vs. placebo group
 8. Headache index in active treatment vs. control group
 9. Headache medication dosage in active treatment vs. placebo group
 10. Headache medication dosage in active treatment vs. control group

The data analysis is based on the run-in period vs. end of intervention.
Point 11–40 will be duplicate of point 1–10 above at respectively 3, 6 and 12 months follow-up

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